Saturday, 9 November 2013

Now I will explain the concept of 2 stroke engine and 4 stroke gasoline engines.

Let’s start in the vision of Sanchit Saxena and make it simple.

How 2 stroke engine works

2 stroke engine(gasoline)

This diagram shows us the working of 2 stroke principle, before we start some important things we need to know: Spark plug, Transfer port, connecting rod, crank case, Inlet port, exhausts port, stroke.                                                      

  •  Spark plug It is a device that ignites the mixture of fuel and air with the help of current; it is located in head of I.C engine.

Spark plug

  Transfer port

It is related to the transformation of fuel and air mixture to the upper chamber due to compression force.
Connecting rod  It’s a rod that connects piston to crank shaft, together with the crank they form a simple mechanism that converts reciprocating motion into rotating motion.

Connecting rod
  •   Crank case -The area around the crankshaft is called the crankcase; it is located below the cylinders, it helps to pre-compress the mixture of fuel and air.

Crank case
 · Inlet port
The port in which Fuel mixture is drawn into the crank case.
  • Exhaust port

The port in which the burn fuel is pushed out by compressed fuel mixture.
  • Stroke

The moment of piston from upward to downward direction or the opposite is known as Stroke.
The moment of piston from T.D.C (top dead center) to B.D.C (bottom dead center) or the opposite is known as stroke.

As we know that in 2 stroke engine has 2 stroke i.e. upstroke and down stroke. Let’s start,
 in upward stroke (B.D.C to T.D.C)first the previous stroke fuel mixture is compressed and ignited by the spark plug, when it produce spark in cylinder, the mixture of fuel and air is burn and converted into a hot gases at this stage we get power stroke. Hot burned gases expand and they push down the piston. On other side the mixture of fuel and air is enter into the crankcase through inlet port and it is pre-compressed by piston in crankcase.

Downward stroke (T.D.C to B.D.C) – In this stroke the burned fuel is pushed out by compressed fuel mixture and side by side the pre-compress fuel mixture is transfer through transfer port then it is compress in cylinder and then it ignite by the spark plug. Generally these types of I.C engine used in previous era, some best bikes and scotoors of 2 strokes are Yamaha rx 100, Bajaj Chetak. And the car is Subaru 360.

How 4 stroke engine works

At first we discuss about the following terms which are used in 4 stroke engine works
  • Intake valves The function of intake valves is to allow the fuel and air mixture into the cylinder, these valves are located in the cylinder head of I.C engine, these valves are control by Cam shaft.
  • Exhaust valves The function of exhaust valves is to escape the burned gases from a cylinder. These valves are located in the cylinder head of I.C engine; these valves are control by Cam shaft.

Let’s start as we know that 4 stroke engine having 4 strokes.
4 stroke engine
1.     Suction – the mixture of fuel and air is entering in the cylinder by intake valve.
2.     Compression- the fuel mixture is compressed by the piston.
3.     Power- compress fuel mixture is igniting by spark plug.
4.     Exhaust- the burn gases escape through the exhaust valves.

Let’s see this diagram, in this diagram intake means suction. First the mixture of fuel and air is enter in the cylinder through intake valve, the moment of piston is T.D.C to B.D.C, that stage is called suction, then that mixture is compressed by piston at this stage the inlet and exhaust valve are closed and the moment of piston is B.D.C to T.D.C that stage is called compression. When the mixture is compressed the spark is produced by the spark plug, due to this the mixture is burn and convert into hot gases. The hot gases expand and pushing down the piston, that force is five times greater than the work applied by the piston during compression stroke this stage is called power stroke. In this stage the intake and exhaust valve are closed, and the moment of piston is T.D.C to B.D.C. finally the remaining hot gases like CO, CO2 etc.  These gases are waste and escape through the exhaust valves. The moment of piston is B.D.C to T.D.C and the inlet valve is close and exhaust valve is open. This stage is called Exhaust stroke.

On next article we show you the working of Rotary engine.

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1 comment:

  1. Well Done man Keep it up...... waiting for more updates >>>>>>> thanks for free useful information.
